2007年世界環境日的關注焦點是「冰川消融:後果堪憂?」以呼應由2007年持續至2008年的國際極地年(International Polar Year)活動。聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP)執行長史坦納(Achim Steiner)認為,這份冰雪融化研究報告的結果,「上至政府議會、下至個人家庭,都應給予正視關注。」
極地旅遊漸熱 帶來新環境衝擊
在南極地區,14年來搭船遊覽的旅客人數上升達3.3 倍,而登陸遊覽的旅客則在10內增加6.5倍。但兩極地區的觀光管理措施與硬體建設,並未能以同樣的速度成長,無法因應遊客為土地、生態、用水與其他基本資源帶來的種種環境壓力。
文字提供: 台灣環境資訊協會
UN: Global Warming Will Change the Lives of Millions
TROMSO, Norway, June 5, 2007 (ENS)
As the Earth warms, hundreds of millions of people worldwide will be affected by melting snow covers, ice and glaciers, according to a new United Nations report issued to mark World Environment Day, observed on June 5 each year.
This year’s slogan for World Environment Day is “Melting Ice – a Hot Topic” in support of International Polar Year, which runs from 2007 to 2008.
The findings of the report on melting ice and snow, “should be cause for concern in every ministry, boardroom and living room across the world,” said UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner.
It is estimated that up to 1.5 billion people are dependent on water from rivers influenced by the melting of snow and ice. About 300 million of these people are expected to be critically dependent on snow and ice melting in periods with low precipitation. In Central Asia, Peru and Chile, large land areas are completely reliant on melting water from snow and glaciers.
Melting snow and glaciers on the mountains of Asia alone could affect about 40 percent of Earth’s population, the report warns.
In a separate report released today in Tromso, UNEP said that polar tourism has become so fashionable over the past 10 years that Arctic and Antarctic regions once known only to local communities and scientists are in danger of being damaged. Sustainable polar tourism policies and programs are urgently needed, says the report.
In Antarctica, the number of ship-borne tourists increased by 430 percent in last 14 years and the number of land-based tourists is up by 757 percent in last 10 years. At the same time, appropriate management practices and infrastructure in the Arctic and Antarctica have not kept up with the rising number of visitors who put extra pressures on land, wildlife, water and other basic necessities.
Steiner said, “The fragility of some of these unique and biologically rich ecosystems may be impacted by the number of visitors and the activities undertaken. Yet, tourism is an activity that if sustainably managed and with profits and revenues fairly shared can contribute to the conservation of the polar environment as well as the well-being and livelihoods of local communities in the Arctic.”
2 Responses to “GlobalWarming:全球暖化衝擊下 數億人將被迫改變生活”
2007年世界環境日的關注焦點是「冰川消融:後果堪憂?」以呼應由2007年持續至2008年的國際極地年(International Polar Year)活動。聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP)執行長史坦納(Achim Steiner)認為,這份冰雪融化研究報告的結果,「上至政府議會、下至個人家庭,都應給予正視關注。」
極地旅遊漸熱 帶來新環境衝擊
在南極地區,14年來搭船遊覽的旅客人數上升達3.3 倍,而登陸遊覽的旅客則在10內增加6.5倍。但兩極地區的觀光管理措施與硬體建設,並未能以同樣的速度成長,無法因應遊客為土地、生態、用水與其他基本資源帶來的種種環境壓力。
文字提供: 台灣環境資訊協會
UN: Global Warming Will Change the Lives of Millions
TROMSO, Norway, June 5, 2007 (ENS)
As the Earth warms, hundreds of millions of people worldwide will be affected by melting snow covers, ice and glaciers, according to a new United Nations report issued to mark World Environment Day, observed on June 5 each year.
This year’s slogan for World Environment Day is “Melting Ice – a Hot Topic” in support of International Polar Year, which runs from 2007 to 2008.
The findings of the report on melting ice and snow, “should be cause for concern in every ministry, boardroom and living room across the world,” said UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner.
It is estimated that up to 1.5 billion people are dependent on water from rivers influenced by the melting of snow and ice. About 300 million of these people are expected to be critically dependent on snow and ice melting in periods with low precipitation. In Central Asia, Peru and Chile, large land areas are completely reliant on melting water from snow and glaciers.
Melting snow and glaciers on the mountains of Asia alone could affect about 40 percent of Earth’s population, the report warns.
In a separate report released today in Tromso, UNEP said that polar tourism has become so fashionable over the past 10 years that Arctic and Antarctic regions once known only to local communities and scientists are in danger of being damaged. Sustainable polar tourism policies and programs are urgently needed, says the report.
In Antarctica, the number of ship-borne tourists increased by 430 percent in last 14 years and the number of land-based tourists is up by 757 percent in last 10 years. At the same time, appropriate management practices and infrastructure in the Arctic and Antarctica have not kept up with the rising number of visitors who put extra pressures on land, wildlife, water and other basic necessities.
Steiner said, “The fragility of some of these unique and biologically rich ecosystems may be impacted by the number of visitors and the activities undertaken. Yet, tourism is an activity that if sustainably managed and with profits and revenues fairly shared can contribute to the conservation of the polar environment as well as the well-being and livelihoods of local communities in the Arctic.”
2 Responses to “GlobalWarming:全球暖化衝擊下 數億人將被迫改變生活”
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