台灣戶外派對的助產士 - CUBE PRODUCTION
這五大訴求主題是SUMMER AQUARIAN自2002年舉辦以來,每年都堅持的不變信念。
CUBE PRODUCTION一直是台灣戶外音樂派對的助產士,自2002年後,開始致力於戶外沙灘音樂節與海洋運動之推廣,一直堅持戶外派對最純正的基本精神:自然健康、人本合一,遍尋全台灣最美輪美奐的景致,尊重每一份所使用到的資源,提倡音樂、運動、時尚、環保、觀光的結合,國際大型專業製作與硬體規劃,首創台灣戶外音樂派對電音、嘻哈雙舞場,融合東西方基因放肆穿搭各派音樂菁華,混搭出獨特的派對黃金比例音樂風格,打造高質感的戶外音樂派對。
CUBE PRODUCTION以SUMMER AQUARIAN為主題的,並加入健康的衝浪運動等元素,在這太平洋的島嶼上,結合音樂、自然、活力、時尚的精神不斷地創新與企劃製作每一場戶外音樂海灘派對,讓所有的參與的朋友親身體驗靈魂與宇宙同步律動的愛與和諧感受。
從2000年起,CUBE PODUCTION在花蓮鯉魚潭、牛山、磯碕等地舉辦了每年一度的野營派對,從自行攜帶裝備到紮營炊煮,在遼闊的大自然中,體驗著白天戲水、夜晚沈浸在音樂中的美好時光。
SUMMER AQUARIAN 2002-夏至,花蓮磯崎海水浴場的野營派對,衝浪者最嚮往的東台灣衝浪天堂,在台灣最美麗湛藍清澈的太平洋迎接第一道曙光升起的地方,體驗最純粹的音樂悸動。

SUMMER AQUARIAN 2003-Flying High OutDoor Dance Culture!!…天籟絕佳的優美景致,從日落到日出,至今一直還深深的烙印在每位參與朋友的心中。

SUMMER AQUARIAN 2004-北海岸白沙灣沙灘音樂派對,火把與星光輝映的壯觀場面,湧入2000多位音樂舞動的精靈,在熱情奔放的沙灘上送著一個個祈福的天燈冉冉升空,至今仍然是記憶中最美好的回憶一塊,歡樂與純淨是SUMMER AQUARIAN自舉辦以來一直希望能帶給大家的幸福宗旨。

2005年7月SUMMER AQUARIAN Part1 石門豔夏沙灘音樂節,三區電音嘻哈主舞台20多位國內外DVJ表演,刷新台灣戶外派對突破萬人以上紀錄,流動人次逾一萬八千多人,創造台灣OutDoor文化歷史上最盛大的指標性嘉年華會。

2005 年8月SUMMER AQUARIAN Part2 宜蘭大溪蜜月灣浪花節,白天極限刺激的海洋運動-衝浪比賽,午夜在廢墟中的音樂震撼,黎明天際最美的蘭陽八景--龜山朝日彩霞,颱風過後的Free UnderGround Party⋯CUBE PRODUCTION對於重視非主流文化的獨特性 ,絕對HardCore到底。

2005 年9月SUMMER AQUARIAN Final Stop 太平洋翡翠灣福華渡假飯店海尼根-放肆舞月光,CUBE與海尼根共同合作,結合台北知名夜店Room 18、Plush、Mint以及BillBoard巨星DJ降臨操碟,以露天沙灘為舞場,月亮為懸吊水晶球,精緻的五星級渡假飯店六星級的Full Moon Beach Party享受,打造一整年最美麗的夏天回憶。

CUBE PRODUCTION相信,美好的記憶是最深層的,可以讓人回顧過往都不禁微笑,CUBE PRODUCTION更不斷期許,帶給所有愛好音樂者最純粹的感動,讓音樂敲擊心靈累積正面能量,堅持推廣自然健康的音樂戶外運動,帶給大家一個陽光、時尚、合法、安全有保障的戶外沙灘音樂節,為音樂活動逐年受到各方重視的台灣,開創出一個獨具特色的朝聖之地。
Nature, Vitality, Health, Ocean, Music
The five appeals for SUMMER AQUARIAN are unchangeable belief.CUBE PRODUCTION gives birth to outdoor music parties in Taiwan constantly. We have been devoting to outdoor music party and promoting ocean sports since 2002.
We always insist the purest spirit of outdoor party:Nature and Health—seek the most splendid and magnificent scenes, respect resource, promote the combination with music, sport, fashion, environmental protection and sightseeing. For making a high-qualified outdoor party, CUBE breaks new ground in party in Taiwan—set raggae hip-hop and charming house stages simultaneously, and blend with eastern and western music elements.CUBE PRODUCTION takes SUMMER AQUARIAN as the central theme of the party, which combines music, nature, power, and fashion. For this reason, we anticipate that all participants will feel excited as they take part in the party. We do our best to bring forth new ideas of party.From 2000, CUBE PRODUCTION held annual camping parties in Hua-Lian. People experienced the day and submerged in music at night.SUMMER AQUARIAN 2002: The Summer Solstice. We held a camping party in Hua-Lian Chi-Chi Beach, the paradise of surfing in Eastern Taiwan and a place for greeting the first light of morning, and experience the purest touch of music.
SUMMER AQUARIAN 2003: Flying High Out Door Dance Culture! Extremely wonderful scenes day and night made participants keep in mind from start to finish.
SUMMER AQUARIAN 2004: full moon beach party in northern coast(Baisawan). Over 2000 people who danced along with music and sky lanterning on the beach, which embellish with torches and starlight.
SUMMER AQUARIAN Part1 in July 2005. There were three main stages and famous DJs and VJs. We broke a record, attracted over 12,000 people, founded the greatest carnival in Taiwan, and set a model of outdoor party.
SUMMER AQUARIAN Part2 in August 2005: Free Underground Party after typhoon @ Da-Xi, I-Lan . Surfing in the day, enjoy music in the night, and see sunrise in daybreak.
SUMMER AQUARIAN Final Stop in September 2005 with Heineken Music. CUBE PRODUCTION cooperated with Heineken Music and invited DJs who came from Billboard and Taipei famous night clubs: Room18, Plush, and Mint. Full Moon Beach Party was taken as an incarnation of five-star holiday hotel. The beach was compared with dancing pool; the moon was compared with crystal lighting ball. You can spend all your time getting involved in the party.
CUBE PRODUCTION has believed that the wonderful memory is deep; it would make you feel enjoyment as you recall. CUBE PRODUCTION expects that we can bring the purest movement to the music-alcoholics, make music knock soul and stimulate positive power, and insist promoting natural and healthy outdoor music events. All we can do is to trying our best for producing a unique and high-qualified beach music festival hard, and to waking the consciousness for music and ocean protection.
台灣戶外派對的助產士 - CUBE PRODUCTION
這五大訴求主題是SUMMER AQUARIAN自2002年舉辦以來,每年都堅持的不變信念。
CUBE PRODUCTION一直是台灣戶外音樂派對的助產士,自2002年後,開始致力於戶外沙灘音樂節與海洋運動之推廣,一直堅持戶外派對最純正的基本精神:自然健康、人本合一,遍尋全台灣最美輪美奐的景致,尊重每一份所使用到的資源,提倡音樂、運動、時尚、環保、觀光的結合,國際大型專業製作與硬體規劃,首創台灣戶外音樂派對電音、嘻哈雙舞場,融合東西方基因放肆穿搭各派音樂菁華,混搭出獨特的派對黃金比例音樂風格,打造高質感的戶外音樂派對。
CUBE PRODUCTION以SUMMER AQUARIAN為主題的,並加入健康的衝浪運動等元素,在這太平洋的島嶼上,結合音樂、自然、活力、時尚的精神不斷地創新與企劃製作每一場戶外音樂海灘派對,讓所有的參與的朋友親身體驗靈魂與宇宙同步律動的愛與和諧感受。
從2000年起,CUBE PODUCTION在花蓮鯉魚潭、牛山、磯碕等地舉辦了每年一度的野營派對,從自行攜帶裝備到紮營炊煮,在遼闊的大自然中,體驗著白天戲水、夜晚沈浸在音樂中的美好時光。
SUMMER AQUARIAN 2002-夏至,花蓮磯崎海水浴場的野營派對,衝浪者最嚮往的東台灣衝浪天堂,在台灣最美麗湛藍清澈的太平洋迎接第一道曙光升起的地方,體驗最純粹的音樂悸動。

SUMMER AQUARIAN 2003-Flying High OutDoor Dance Culture!!…天籟絕佳的優美景致,從日落到日出,至今一直還深深的烙印在每位參與朋友的心中。

SUMMER AQUARIAN 2004-北海岸白沙灣沙灘音樂派對,火把與星光輝映的壯觀場面,湧入2000多位音樂舞動的精靈,在熱情奔放的沙灘上送著一個個祈福的天燈冉冉升空,至今仍然是記憶中最美好的回憶一塊,歡樂與純淨是SUMMER AQUARIAN自舉辦以來一直希望能帶給大家的幸福宗旨。

2005年7月SUMMER AQUARIAN Part1 石門豔夏沙灘音樂節,三區電音嘻哈主舞台20多位國內外DVJ表演,刷新台灣戶外派對突破萬人以上紀錄,流動人次逾一萬八千多人,創造台灣OutDoor文化歷史上最盛大的指標性嘉年華會。

2005 年8月SUMMER AQUARIAN Part2 宜蘭大溪蜜月灣浪花節,白天極限刺激的海洋運動-衝浪比賽,午夜在廢墟中的音樂震撼,黎明天際最美的蘭陽八景--龜山朝日彩霞,颱風過後的Free UnderGround Party⋯CUBE PRODUCTION對於重視非主流文化的獨特性 ,絕對HardCore到底。

2005 年9月SUMMER AQUARIAN Final Stop 太平洋翡翠灣福華渡假飯店海尼根-放肆舞月光,CUBE與海尼根共同合作,結合台北知名夜店Room 18、Plush、Mint以及BillBoard巨星DJ降臨操碟,以露天沙灘為舞場,月亮為懸吊水晶球,精緻的五星級渡假飯店六星級的Full Moon Beach Party享受,打造一整年最美麗的夏天回憶。

CUBE PRODUCTION相信,美好的記憶是最深層的,可以讓人回顧過往都不禁微笑,CUBE PRODUCTION更不斷期許,帶給所有愛好音樂者最純粹的感動,讓音樂敲擊心靈累積正面能量,堅持推廣自然健康的音樂戶外運動,帶給大家一個陽光、時尚、合法、安全有保障的戶外沙灘音樂節,為音樂活動逐年受到各方重視的台灣,開創出一個獨具特色的朝聖之地。
Nature, Vitality, Health, Ocean, Music
The five appeals for SUMMER AQUARIAN are unchangeable belief.CUBE PRODUCTION gives birth to outdoor music parties in Taiwan constantly. We have been devoting to outdoor music party and promoting ocean sports since 2002.
We always insist the purest spirit of outdoor party:Nature and Health—seek the most splendid and magnificent scenes, respect resource, promote the combination with music, sport, fashion, environmental protection and sightseeing. For making a high-qualified outdoor party, CUBE breaks new ground in party in Taiwan—set raggae hip-hop and charming house stages simultaneously, and blend with eastern and western music elements.CUBE PRODUCTION takes SUMMER AQUARIAN as the central theme of the party, which combines music, nature, power, and fashion. For this reason, we anticipate that all participants will feel excited as they take part in the party. We do our best to bring forth new ideas of party.From 2000, CUBE PRODUCTION held annual camping parties in Hua-Lian. People experienced the day and submerged in music at night.SUMMER AQUARIAN 2002: The Summer Solstice. We held a camping party in Hua-Lian Chi-Chi Beach, the paradise of surfing in Eastern Taiwan and a place for greeting the first light of morning, and experience the purest touch of music.
SUMMER AQUARIAN 2003: Flying High Out Door Dance Culture! Extremely wonderful scenes day and night made participants keep in mind from start to finish.
SUMMER AQUARIAN 2004: full moon beach party in northern coast(Baisawan). Over 2000 people who danced along with music and sky lanterning on the beach, which embellish with torches and starlight.
SUMMER AQUARIAN Part1 in July 2005. There were three main stages and famous DJs and VJs. We broke a record, attracted over 12,000 people, founded the greatest carnival in Taiwan, and set a model of outdoor party.
SUMMER AQUARIAN Part2 in August 2005: Free Underground Party after typhoon @ Da-Xi, I-Lan . Surfing in the day, enjoy music in the night, and see sunrise in daybreak.
SUMMER AQUARIAN Final Stop in September 2005 with Heineken Music. CUBE PRODUCTION cooperated with Heineken Music and invited DJs who came from Billboard and Taipei famous night clubs: Room18, Plush, and Mint. Full Moon Beach Party was taken as an incarnation of five-star holiday hotel. The beach was compared with dancing pool; the moon was compared with crystal lighting ball. You can spend all your time getting involved in the party.
CUBE PRODUCTION has believed that the wonderful memory is deep; it would make you feel enjoyment as you recall. CUBE PRODUCTION expects that we can bring the purest movement to the music-alcoholics, make music knock soul and stimulate positive power, and insist promoting natural and healthy outdoor music events. All we can do is to trying our best for producing a unique and high-qualified beach music festival hard, and to waking the consciousness for music and ocean protection.