Summer Aquarian 2008 - House Stage DJ Bio

DJ F*Daniel (Electro/Tribal/TechHouse)
現齡22歲的F*Daniel 為國內新世代創作型DJ,同時身兼Model藝人的身分擔任多部戲劇影片和廣告主角演出。從小接受音樂的薰染與學習,從中國傳統樂器、西方古典鋼琴,到流行樂團至今的電子音樂,多方面的創作涉略了流行、編曲配樂與電子音樂。擅長Electro、Tribal、Tech-House、 Prog-Trance…等曲風;另外也與Female Singr搭配女聲合作及現場彈奏Keyboard的Live表演。2006年於高雄為中華民國國慶電音派對擔綱主秀表演,並將愛國、傳統歌曲及原住民歌謠的重新混音編排驚艷全場。多次在國內北海岸和墾丁等地的大型戶外音樂節與時尚發表派對的邀約演出。近期幸運時與世界百大DJ同台獻技,同時在台北、高雄、台中知名Club和同志夜店的客席駐場經驗。目前專攻電子樂曲混音編寫,以七年級生的音樂主張,大量發表個人創作和混音作品與年輕豐富的演出經歷,廣受各界喜愛與好評。
DJ Kay
DJ Kay於2001年年底在台北東區開設的lounge lounge records, 一直都是台北時尚圈引領音樂潮流的指標據點。 擁有超凡的品味及豐富的音樂知識讓Kay的選曲包羅萬象,充滿新鮮感。 不但獲得知名餐廳'sofa'的青睞予以複合,更是許多時尚派對指定邀請的專屬DJ。 2005年 轉換跑道成為全職 DJ ,現為 FiFi 茶酒沙龍駐場DJ 並於2005年底受邀到日本與知名音樂人 Towa Tei 同台演出 2006年成立新廠牌 Childisco (小孩迪斯可) ,不定期的舉辦Party 和策劃活動 希望將好玩有趣的生活態度融入生活及音樂當中 俏皮及不受侷限的混音技巧,讓聽者感受到驚喜和開心, 以女性觀點的選曲,融合了 Disco Funk ,Electro House , Dance Punk ……. 必然讓你耳目ㄧ新 !!!
來自台灣,出道於1988年的DJ Kelvin (HSIEH YI-HUNG), 最喜歡的音樂是 Deep House。Deep House是所有House音樂類型中最低調和內斂的,有舒緩簡單的節奏,又不失豐富的音樂質感。Kelvin偏愛的藝人是Knee Deep、Master At Work、Jazz-N-Groove這類融合了Jazz、Soul、Latin樂風的舞曲混音,它們瀰漫著精緻優雅又帶有文人的氣質。這些歌曲經由Kelvin巧妙的編排結合,予人強烈而深刻的感動,高明的接歌技術和流暢的歌曲鋪陳,能讓現場聆聽者盡情享受在他所創造的氛圍裡。
風格: House Your Body !! 以 House 為基調,混搭 Funk、Disco、New Wave、Rock。 1996年開始在淘兒音樂城工作,其間結識了@llen、Timixer、Victor、Gravity等DJ,因而萌生對電子音樂與DJ的興趣。在朋友的協助下,購買了一組二手的DJ器材(永遠記得那台沒有EQ、價值新台幣500元的二軌混音器!),在家自修DJ技巧。當了一年多的「臥室DJ(Bedroom DJ)」,首次公開播放音樂是在華中橋下的戶外派,之後便開始在台北的夜店舞吧擔任DJ(Roxy、45、Spin、@live、Room 18、Whisky、TeXound、18lover、Barcode、inHouse)

DJ Dominik T. (aka. DJ Hooker)
DJ Dominik T. (aka. DJ Hooker) is a rising star of the Taiwanese club scene. DJ Hooker has played some of the biggest events in recent past including Spring Love, Summer Aquarian, and Spring Wave as well as sharing the stage with such world top ranking DJs as Armin van Burren and Dubfire of DeepDish amongst many others. At the moment he performs at the Luxy nightclub every Wednesday and various venues around Taiwan a well as in other parts of Asia. When his busy performing schedule allows him, he spends time in his home studio working on music of his own.

DJ Sona
A classical violinist since childhood, Sona has always had a true passion for high quality music. In just 5 years, he has proven to be on a dedicated path to success in the dance music world.His production can be deep and soul-soothing or incur rump-shakin dancefloor madness. His music has been charted by the likes of Johnny Fiasco, Ron Trent, and DJ Heather and Demarkus Lewis. Sona's dj skills have taken him across 3 continents and over 22 different cities. Playing alongside heavy hitters such as Diz Washington, Theo Parrish, and Mr. V. 2008 sees Sona with an releases on Pete Tong 's Bedroom Bedlam label, Headtunes, Kolour, and Dustpan Recordings as well as remixes by the likes of Delano Smith and Nacho Marco of Freerange and Pacha Recordings.
DJ Junior & DJ Megan
DJ Junior & DJ Megan hail from Toronto.They relocated to Taipei, Taiwan in early 2005, SOULFULLY to play and have been ROCKN’ the clubs all over Taiwan ever since. Their style is East Coast House, the DIRTY SOUNDS of CHICAGO. One could call is BUMPN’, FIGETTY or SLAMMIN HOUSE! With over 25 years of DJ experience between the 2 of them, you are guaranteed a set of RAW BEATS and TIGHT MIXES. DJ Junior & DJ Megan have graced many DECKS in Asia and Canada with names such as Sasha, Plump DJ’s, Paul Van Dyk, Johnny Fiasco, Hipp-E, Justin Michael, Kenny Hawkes, Rithma as well as many others. With influences such as Derrick Carter and Mark Farina, these 2 know their HOUSE! Style: HOUSE MySpace:
House Stage : MainBar
1500-1700 F*Daniel
1700-1900 Mitch
1900-2100 Kay
2100-2300 Kelvin
2300-0100 Jr & Megan
0100-0300 Sona
0300-0500 Hooker
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