Ref: RenewableEnergyWorld.com, 2009/6/9

The world's first full-scale floating wind turbine, the so-called Hywind, has been towed to its final destination, 10 km southwest of Karmøy, Norway, where it will be moored to the seabed.
The floating structure consists of a steel jacket filled with ballast. This floating element will extend 100 meters beneath the surface and will be fastened to the seabed by three anchor piles. The 2.3-MW turbine, which will be mounted on a 65 meter tower on the platform, is manufactured by Siemens. Technip built the floating elements and will be in charge of the offshore installation. Nexans will install the cable to shore and Haugaland Kraft will be responsible for the landfall.
引用來源 © http://blog.yam.com/bunhu/category/636508
The wind turbine is designed to be placed at ocean depths of between 120 and 700 meters. A test period for the pilot installation is due to begin in the autumn of 2009 and will last for two years.
Developed by StatoilHydro, the company is investing around NOK 400 million [USD $62 million, 20億台幣] in the construction and further development of the pilot, and in research and development related to the wind turbine concept.
The public corporation Enova SF, whose aim is to promote the transition to environmentally friendly energy use and energy production in Norway, has granted NOK 59 million [$9 million] in support for the project.
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