LOVE GATHERING - A Piece of Love

Produced by 夏至音樂節+創世基金會

感謝大家參與今年CUBE PRODUCTION所製作的"SUMMER AQUARIAN 夏至音樂節"系列活動,雖然今年經歷許多風風雨雨,能夠得到各位的支持,這是CUBE PRODUCTION得到最最珍貴的禮物。

CUBE PRODUCTION 10年的歲月,經歷過無數血淚的故事,仍不畏懼艱難走到今天,為的是一個當初的夢想,也為許多人留下最美好的海灘回憶。

時 至今日,全球災禍不斷,新聞畫面每天傳送著令人難過的消息。CUBE PRODUCTION深知僅有為大家帶來短暫的歡樂,是無法阻止這一切的發生。所以,我們要在這夢想中,加入一個承諾,一個對於回饋社會的承諾。我們要用 持續不斷的行動,讓社會知道,我們不只是會跳跳舞、聽聽音樂,更會利用我們心中澎湃的熱血和無限的愛心,用實際行動幫助需要被幫助的人。

雖然我們沒有什麼錢,卻能透過一張、二張、十張、二十張的發票做開始。今年CUBE PRODUCTION首度與創世基金會合作,推動發票募集計畫,這是我們的第一步。我們相信,只有我們的力量是不夠的,我們需要你和我們一起召喚心中的愛與和平。

LOVE GATHERING - A Piece of Love 就從愛的一張開始

Kaoru、Vertigo、Cougar 聯合義演

時間:2009.10.30 (Fri) 22:00~02:00

地點:The SOHO dining space & URBAN 9 BAR
台北市敦化南路一段149號 (近市民大道)


10047台北市中正區館前路34號3樓 梅吉米收

Thanks for your participation in "SUMMER AQUARIAN 夏至音樂節" series activities producing by Cube Production this year. In spite of experiencing a lot of ups and downs, the most precious gift is getting everybody’s support.

In these ten years, going through many hardships. Because of the original dream, there is no fear to keep up at the moment, and also remaining a lot of lovely memories at the beach for everyone.

Nowadays, global damages and disasters increase constantly. There is always some miserable information on news. Cube Production knows that we just can bring everybody’s brief joy and relaxation, but we can’t prevent from these misfortunes. Therefore, we get in a promise to make feedback to the society. We want to take the action unceasingly for the society. We can’t only dance and listen to music, but also bring our passionate and unlimited love to help people who need the support.

Although we are not rich, we can star form collecting fewer receipts to more receipts. It’s the first time to cooperate with "Genesis social Welfare Foundation 創世基金會" this year, getting the” love gathering” activity moving is our first step. We believe our strengths are not enough, we need your support to gather our love and peace.

LOVE GATHERING - A Piece of Love

1 回應意見

  1. maxmac  

    February 10, 2010 at 10:14 PM


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