◼ 嘻哈舞台 | Hip-Hop STAGE : 16:00~03:00
Black Reign, Dom 帥老外, DJ Marcus Aurelius, 黑色勢力, DJ Rico+MC Young.B, DJ Lucky+MC Howard

DJ Lucky
10年CLUB PARTY DJ經驗,個人的派對混音技巧可將時下流行的HIP HOP、R&B、URBAN和REGGAE再結合上PARTY TRACK成為最完整的派對音樂組合 ! 擅長快速變換派對嘻哈、雷鬼或節奏藍調音樂,最新的派對混 音版本加上新舊歌曲的搭配,將帶給客人不一樣的嘻哈派對音樂饗宴!在他的表演中,配合著許多歡娛及PARTY重拍元素,難怪在2005年FATMAN SCOOP訪台表演中特別告訴德國經紀公司BOSE ENTERTAINMENT的老闆MIKE,提到DJ LUCKY將會是最具有淺力的亞洲DJ,在經過UR及BOSE的老闆討論下決定將LUCKY納入全國第四大的經紀公司旗下。曾獲得G-UNIT官方DJ EPPS、CLUBBANGAZ、DJ KOOL大力贊許,個人混音CD大碟於2007年6月正式發行,同時CD的開場將由FATMAN SCOOP及DJ KOOL做開場暖身口白。
Ten years in the DJ industry. He has the ability to blend Hip Hop, R&B, Urban and Reggae with party tracks to create the ultimate club party beats. He has performed at Ministry Of Sound Taipei, Room 18 ,Babe18 ,Lava, The Face, Patio, Pasoul, VS., 9%, C3,RC, Lion King, Lamp and Muse ,Park 97 , Muse 2 ,GuanDii , Bling . His blend and style has earned him a top place in the Asian DJ scene. In 2005, during Fatman Scoop’s tour in Taiwan, German producer, Mike of Bose Entertainment said that DJ Lucky will be one of the best Asian DJs. After an agreement between UR and Bose management, DJ Lucky will be represented under the 4th biggest entertainment company in the world. With the support from DJ Epps, Clubbangaz and DJ Kool, his solo album will be released in June of 2007. The album will feature an intro by Fatman Scoop and DJ Kool.

MC Howard
新生代CLUB MC ,現任BABE 18駐場MC

DJ Rico
自1991年從事DJ不間斷工作至今.現任台北晶華城12F VOLAR DJ. 活動企劃 阿通伯音樂教室講師 對音樂 影像 編輯 剪接 mac pc 皆會操作 曾參與錄製 曾在蘋果日報有半篇幅專訪報導 曾為多項知名時尚品牌 政府機關 大專院校 私人企業 擔任DJ與參與後製 近期曾任TAIPEI 101 MINT . PLUSH . PARTYROOM DJ

MC 賓賓 aka Young.B
旗下團體[三合院]成員 賓賓 aka Young.B
在台灣hip hop還未完全萌芽
站穩了在原創性與傳統東方 風格的獨特區塊
三合院製作團隊獨特的東方 傳統曲風
在當時都讓熱愛中文饒舌的 支持者留下非常深刻的印象
個人風格,與舞台掌控度最佳的"跨院"頭號戰將 賓 賓aka Yonug.B最具代表性
到目前各大club最為需求的party mc氣氛帶動
賓賓獨特的強烈個人風格與 舞台肢體

Dom 帥老外
DOM (帥老外) 來自美國休斯敦城市。正迅速成為一個著名的藝術家。他在亞 洲已經有很多粉絲但是他不會自以為是。DOM一直在台上給人家新鮮的感覺。他的秀不只是唱歌而且還有魔術表演。在DJ世界他已經有很多人認識和支持他,而且一看他唱歌你就會知道這個人並不是簡單的一個DJ或歌手,他完全是一個藝人。
參加DOM的活動絕對不會辜負您的期待!DOM已經在很多知名夜店做過秀而且跟很多別的藝人一起在台上, 比如Platinum Black和DJ Ta-shi。他已經在台北廣播電台ICRT有過電台採訪,你也可以在Cool和Sexy Nuts雜誌看到他。不管怎麼樣Dom絕對是一個你要看的藝人!
Hailing from the city of Houston, Texas another rocket is about to take off and take over the stars! Your boy Dom, aka 帥老外“shuai lao wai” (pronounced shwhy laoh why) is quickly making his way into being one of the top Chinese rappers in Asia. After being abducted by aliens, he has possessed crazy super powers and now uses them to rap in rock crowds all over the globe in any foreign languages. Already known to many in the DJ scene DOM has already performed many of in Taiwan’s most prestigious clubs including, super club Luxy, Taipei’s most exclusive and high end club Primo, and the huge Taipei clubs LAVA, Deep Passion, Asia Nighclub. He has been featured in Cool Magazine, Sexy Nuts, and interviewed live on Taiwan’s nationwide English radio station, ICRT 100.7. His songs have been played on the radio station, and by DJs internationally. With his debut album due out in the summer of 2010, this rising star is now being booked all over Asia so catch him when you can. His live show is like no other out there and includes all aspects of a real live performance that you would expect from a high level artist. Stay tuned for upcoming dates on one of his many tours!!

DJ Marcus Aurelius
自從1988年深受 Public Enemy影響,DJ Marcus Aurelius開始至今數十年hip-hop的音樂生涯。身為兼具專業DJ、MC及音樂公關宣傳的他,名聲遠至美國、上海和台灣。曾和嘻哈巨星Major Lazer, Aquasky, Atomic Hooligan, Diplo, Tittsworth, MC Jin, FatMan Scoop 和 DJ Krush 同台合作。DJ Marcus向來以獨ㄧ無二的表演風格,確保他每每完美演出,都能讓觀 眾盡情享受音樂。將近20年的音樂生命,Marcus Aurelius熱忱hip –hop的態度始終如ㄧ,加上對hip –hop的致力研究和深度了解,讓他聲名遠播海內外,成為世界級派 對上的常客嘉賓。
Ever since a Public Enemy tape was slipped into his boom box in 1988, DJ Marcus Aurelius has been involved in hip-hop. In that time, he has been a promoter, MC, and DJ. Now, in 2010 he is all three. From America to Taiwan to Shanghai, Marcus Aurelius has played with many big names including Major Lazer, Aquasky, Atomic Hooligan, Diplo, Tittsworth, MC Jin, FatMan Scoop and DJ Krush. While making sure each and every person is enjoying the music, DJ Marcus Aurelius has his own style that is unmistakably different from anyone else. With almost 20 years of experience under his belt, Marcus Aurelius uses his deep knowledge and understanding of hip-hop, funk, dancehall, and electro music to rock dance floors all over the globe.

Black Reign
由三位住在台灣的加勒比海大男孩(牙 買加及馬提尼克島) Lion,Young Blood和Assassin所組成的Black Reign International是台灣首支以加勒比海音樂為主的DJ團體。這類音樂在台 灣並不普遍,只能在流行音樂(Sean Paul, Beenie, Shaggy)專輯中聽到。 自從Sound System在牙買加開始流行, Black Reign International即在世界各地表演這類音樂,帶領更多人感受加勒比海音樂的火熱魅力。現在他們以豐富的 音樂經驗將這股音樂風帶到東南亞及台灣,提供我們接觸加勒比海風音樂(Reggae,Soca,Zouk,Roots,Calypso及Dancehall) 的機會。
The O-Brothaz Sound System is the first Caribbean sound system based in Taipei, Taiwan. Founded by a group of Selectors from Jamaica and Martinique; Lion, Youngblood and Assassin. With their experience in the Caribbean music business in France, Jamaica and Canada, they decided to promote Caribbean music in Taiwan and SE Asia, by all means necessary. The O-Brothaz provide an opportunity for people of the region to come in contact with Caribbean music such as Reggae, Soca, Zouk, Soukous, Calypso and Dancehall. These kinds of music have been more or less absent in Taiwan and SE Asia or restricted to commercially popular songs (Sean Paul, Beenie man, Shaggy, Bob Marley). The O-Brothaz Sound System plays and operates in the traditional way as do most sound systems throughout the world and have done since the beginning of the sound system days in Jamaica.

台北西區 當紅夜店BM主 理人 梅克斯電台兄弟
領軍黑色勢力饒舌團體+DJ TYSON
體驗黑色 勢力 讓你感受最強的派對爆發力

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