每年固定出現且數量穩定的中型流星雨—獵戶座流星雨,將在本週末登場,同時本週也是C/2007 F1 ( LONEOS )彗星最亮的時候喔!


今 年獵戶座流星雨極大期在10月21日,適逢週末。此群流星雨的來源是鼎鼎大名 的哈雷彗星遺留在它軌道上的塵粒物質。近年觀測到數量最多時每小時約 14~31顆,平均23顆;但非專業的流星觀測者可能會沒注意到較暗的流星,所以每小時只能見到10~15顆左右。然而獵戶座流星雨曾在去年(2006 年)爆發,每小時平均約40~50顆以上,而且出現許多明亮的火流星;如果今年能如去年的狀況一樣,那可就賺到了!

在 約晚上22:30輻射點出現在東方地平之上後,便可開始觀看此群流星雨;但因 受到月亮耀眼光輝的影響,故最佳觀察的時間是在10月21日約凌晨0:30或是22日約凌晨1: 30月亮西沈之後,一直到天亮之前的這兩段下半夜時光。這群流星的速度相當快,約每秒66公里,平均亮度只有2~3等左右,相當於著名的獵戶腰帶三星的亮 度。


獵 戶座有「星空王者」之美譽,除外型明顯,擁有兩顆明亮且顏色分明的一等星(獵 戶右肩上紅色的參宿四,與獵戶左膝的藍色參宿七),更有著唯一肉眼可見的星雲 —獵戶星雲(又稱鳥狀星雲,M42)!而冬季星空是一年四季中最熱鬧的,一等星多達8顆,適合欣賞的星雲星團也相當多。再加上正迅速竄亮的紅色火星,恰在 雙子座中,鄰近此次獵戶流星雨輻射點處。所以囉,等待獵戶座流星出現的同時,不妨順便欣賞一下美麗的星空景色吧!

C/2007 F1 ( LONEOS )彗星

由 羅威爾天文台近地天體搜尋計畫(Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search,LONEOS)於2007年3月19日發現的C/2007 F1(LONEOS),目前已達6等,在黃昏日落時,以雙筒望遠鏡或小望遠鏡朝西方低空尋找,便可在黃色的一等星—牧夫座大角星附近見到這團棉花球。

C/2007 F1預計將在10月28日,以僅僅0.4AU的近距離通過軌道近日點,彗星專家預期這顆彗星在10月中亮度就會急遽增加到5等左右,甚至有彗星專家預期會 亮至4等。而11月中旬之後,這顆彗星的位置就會因為太偏南而無法見到。所以要欣賞這顆彗星,手腳要快喔!



每年固定出現且數量穩定的中型流星雨—獵戶座流星雨,將在本週末登場,同時本週也是C/2007 F1 ( LONEOS )彗星最亮的時候喔!


今 年獵戶座流星雨極大期在10月21日,適逢週末。此群流星雨的來源是鼎鼎大名 的哈雷彗星遺留在它軌道上的塵粒物質。近年觀測到數量最多時每小時約 14~31顆,平均23顆;但非專業的流星觀測者可能會沒注意到較暗的流星,所以每小時只能見到10~15顆左右。然而獵戶座流星雨曾在去年(2006 年)爆發,每小時平均約40~50顆以上,而且出現許多明亮的火流星;如果今年能如去年的狀況一樣,那可就賺到了!

在 約晚上22:30輻射點出現在東方地平之上後,便可開始觀看此群流星雨;但因 受到月亮耀眼光輝的影響,故最佳觀察的時間是在10月21日約凌晨0:30或是22日約凌晨1: 30月亮西沈之後,一直到天亮之前的這兩段下半夜時光。這群流星的速度相當快,約每秒66公里,平均亮度只有2~3等左右,相當於著名的獵戶腰帶三星的亮 度。


獵 戶座有「星空王者」之美譽,除外型明顯,擁有兩顆明亮且顏色分明的一等星(獵 戶右肩上紅色的參宿四,與獵戶左膝的藍色參宿七),更有著唯一肉眼可見的星雲 —獵戶星雲(又稱鳥狀星雲,M42)!而冬季星空是一年四季中最熱鬧的,一等星多達8顆,適合欣賞的星雲星團也相當多。再加上正迅速竄亮的紅色火星,恰在 雙子座中,鄰近此次獵戶流星雨輻射點處。所以囉,等待獵戶座流星出現的同時,不妨順便欣賞一下美麗的星空景色吧!

C/2007 F1 ( LONEOS )彗星

由 羅威爾天文台近地天體搜尋計畫(Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search,LONEOS)於2007年3月19日發現的C/2007 F1(LONEOS),目前已達6等,在黃昏日落時,以雙筒望遠鏡或小望遠鏡朝西方低空尋找,便可在黃色的一等星—牧夫座大角星附近見到這團棉花球。

C/2007 F1預計將在10月28日,以僅僅0.4AU的近距離通過軌道近日點,彗星專家預期這顆彗星在10月中亮度就會急遽增加到5等左右,甚至有彗星專家預期會 亮至4等。而11月中旬之後,這顆彗星的位置就會因為太偏南而無法見到。所以要欣賞這顆彗星,手腳要快喔!





DATE: 2007.10.20 SAT.
TIME: 16:00~06:00

預售|Advance:$200 (1 Drink)
現場|At Door:$300 (1 Drink)

Cube Production :: Jetty 0926-199000、Jackal 0938-242730
E*87 台北市忠孝東路4段205巷29弄1號 TEL:8771-3820 營業時間:1300~2200
有種唱片 台北市萬華區昆明街96巷20號2F TEL:2375-5518 營業時間:1300~2200


地點: 頭城海水浴場 (tou cheng hai shuei yu chang)
VENUE: Tou-cheng Bathing Beach

頭城海水浴場位於頭城車站東南方2公裡,倚山面水,也因為平直遼闊的視野,頭城海水浴場便成為「龜山朝日」的 絕佳景點。當天氣晴朗,日初的剎那,光芒從海平面、龜山島背後噴湧而出,你必會驚嘆。海灘平伸陸地,一字兒排開面向太平洋,海底磯波,捲起洶湧浪濤,排空 翻滾,聲勢浩大。風平浪靜時,和緩的浪條,很有秩序的推移挪動,輕輕柔柔的輕吻大地。柔軟的和風中,大麻黃成群攢聚,馬鞍藤也四處趴爬,瓊麻林硬是在砂地 上展現雄姿,風起,沙沙的呼嘯聲傳入耳際,讓人有遺世而獨立的感覺。海濤綿延不絕的吼聲,規律性的起伏,高的浪頭,低的浪頭,好似白色的馬鬃翻飛,十分壯 觀。

*The open land territory, the sea area temporarily is not only open

地址: 宜蘭縣頭城鎮協天路400號
ADDRESS: No.400, Sietian Rd., Toucheng Township, Yilan County
衛星導航座標|GPS: 24°51′7〞N, 121°49′42〞E
View Map


1.步行: 約15分鍾(1700公尺)
10/20 15:45、17:20、17:45、18:50、19:35、20:05、21:10、22:45、22:55、23:30。
10/21 00:55。
10/21 03:00、03:10、04:10、04:20、04:55、05:05、05:30、05:40、05:55、06:05、06:15。

*火車時刻表 http://new.twtraffic.com.tw/twrail/index.aspx
*10/21 03:29 起可由頭城火車站坐回台北

■ Electronic STAGE: 16:00~06:00

DJ LineUp:
Vertigo (4 hours Set)
Cougar + Point {前潑猴括盤手} (SCRATCH Live)
Jr & Megan [Toronto]
KJK & ALT 2006艷夏沙灘音樂大賞-最佳評審獎
Stanley KO & Crimson 2006艷夏沙灘音樂大賞-冠軍
Kaoru + Joe Ho

主辦單位|Organizer: CUBE PRODUCTION
贊助單位|Sponsor: CORONA
媒體協辦|Media Partners: Ray瑞麗美人men』s unoTaiwanNights.com

官方網站|Official Website: http://www.summer-aquarian.com
官方部落格|Official Blog: http://www.summer-aquarian.com/blog

SERVICE E-MAIL: summer.aquarian@gmail.com
SERVICE LINE: +886-926-199000

4 Responses to “10/20 AUTUMN RAVE @頭城海水浴場”

  1. Jetty @ CUBE Says:


    Summer Aquarian在過去這六年以來,

    我們是因為Summer Aquarian而認識,最後步入禮堂!!!

    堅持Outdoor文化的延續與創新,更是Cube Production不變的目標!

    已經使得Autumn Rave延期兩次…將近一個月的時間

    這兩次的延期,確是讓我們思索如何把Autumn Rave做的更有味道些!!


    We are sorry to announce that typhoon KROSA postponed the 2nd stop of Summer Aquarian 2007, Autumn Rave, to October 20th 2007.

    Certainly, we appreciate your waiting and are moved by your support.
    Let』s look forward to the unique Autumn Rave Party(different from that at the beach).
    We have been encountering not only the difficulties but pleasure for the past six years.

    The most impressive thing for me is whenever I meet the newlyweds at the party, they tell me excitedly-「you know?Jason, we are in love because of Summer Aquarian, and…we get married now.」
    Be honest, this saying occurs to us year and year.
    How wonderful it is.

    In the past six years, your love and touched have been pushing us forward!
    Insisting the extension and innovation of outdoor culture are the rooted goal.

    Recently, we have been enveloped with the bad weather and had postponed the Autumn Rave. Although somebody has desisted from joining Summer Aquarian of late, we have still hammered at mellowing the Autumn Rave.
    What we do is to arouse your passion for Rave Party.

    We are assured that it is worthy of our long-term preparation.
    Of course, we are looking forward to seeing you next week.

    Hope to see u soon !!
    Jason @ Cube Production
    Taipei 10/03/2007


    Hi, my sites:4fffbb

  3. http://musicdownloads.tripod.com/music-downloads.html Says:

    Hi, my sites:749c240115871c1ba754a92c97d34102

  4. freemusicdownloads Says:

    Great boys3628509696f42542230c5536720abb89



DATE: 2007.10.20 SAT.
TIME: 16:00~06:00

預售|Advance:$200 (1 Drink)
現場|At Door:$300 (1 Drink)

Cube Production :: Jetty 0926-199000、Jackal 0938-242730
E*87 台北市忠孝東路4段205巷29弄1號 TEL:8771-3820 營業時間:1300~2200
有種唱片 台北市萬華區昆明街96巷20號2F TEL:2375-5518 營業時間:1300~2200


地點: 頭城海水浴場 (tou cheng hai shuei yu chang)
VENUE: Tou-cheng Bathing Beach

頭城海水浴場位於頭城車站東南方2公裡,倚山面水,也因為平直遼闊的視野,頭城海水浴場便成為「龜山朝日」的 絕佳景點。當天氣晴朗,日初的剎那,光芒從海平面、龜山島背後噴湧而出,你必會驚嘆。海灘平伸陸地,一字兒排開面向太平洋,海底磯波,捲起洶湧浪濤,排空 翻滾,聲勢浩大。風平浪靜時,和緩的浪條,很有秩序的推移挪動,輕輕柔柔的輕吻大地。柔軟的和風中,大麻黃成群攢聚,馬鞍藤也四處趴爬,瓊麻林硬是在砂地 上展現雄姿,風起,沙沙的呼嘯聲傳入耳際,讓人有遺世而獨立的感覺。海濤綿延不絕的吼聲,規律性的起伏,高的浪頭,低的浪頭,好似白色的馬鬃翻飛,十分壯 觀。

*The open land territory, the sea area temporarily is not only open

地址: 宜蘭縣頭城鎮協天路400號
ADDRESS: No.400, Sietian Rd., Toucheng Township, Yilan County
衛星導航座標|GPS: 24°51′7〞N, 121°49′42〞E
View Map


1.步行: 約15分鍾(1700公尺)
10/20 15:45、17:20、17:45、18:50、19:35、20:05、21:10、22:45、22:55、23:30。
10/21 00:55。
10/21 03:00、03:10、04:10、04:20、04:55、05:05、05:30、05:40、05:55、06:05、06:15。

*火車時刻表 http://new.twtraffic.com.tw/twrail/index.aspx
*10/21 03:29 起可由頭城火車站坐回台北

■ Electronic STAGE: 16:00~06:00

DJ LineUp:
Vertigo (4 hours Set)
Cougar + Point {前潑猴括盤手} (SCRATCH Live)
Jr & Megan [Toronto]
KJK & ALT 2006艷夏沙灘音樂大賞-最佳評審獎
Stanley KO & Crimson 2006艷夏沙灘音樂大賞-冠軍
Kaoru + Joe Ho

主辦單位|Organizer: CUBE PRODUCTION
贊助單位|Sponsor: CORONA
媒體協辦|Media Partners: Ray瑞麗美人men』s unoTaiwanNights.com

官方網站|Official Website: http://www.summer-aquarian.com
官方部落格|Official Blog: http://www.summer-aquarian.com/blog

SERVICE E-MAIL: summer.aquarian@gmail.com
SERVICE LINE: +886-926-199000

4 Responses to “10/20 AUTUMN RAVE @頭城海水浴場”

  1. Jetty @ CUBE Says:


    Summer Aquarian在過去這六年以來,

    我們是因為Summer Aquarian而認識,最後步入禮堂!!!

    堅持Outdoor文化的延續與創新,更是Cube Production不變的目標!

    已經使得Autumn Rave延期兩次…將近一個月的時間

    這兩次的延期,確是讓我們思索如何把Autumn Rave做的更有味道些!!


    We are sorry to announce that typhoon KROSA postponed the 2nd stop of Summer Aquarian 2007, Autumn Rave, to October 20th 2007.

    Certainly, we appreciate your waiting and are moved by your support.
    Let』s look forward to the unique Autumn Rave Party(different from that at the beach).
    We have been encountering not only the difficulties but pleasure for the past six years.

    The most impressive thing for me is whenever I meet the newlyweds at the party, they tell me excitedly-「you know?Jason, we are in love because of Summer Aquarian, and…we get married now.」
    Be honest, this saying occurs to us year and year.
    How wonderful it is.

    In the past six years, your love and touched have been pushing us forward!
    Insisting the extension and innovation of outdoor culture are the rooted goal.

    Recently, we have been enveloped with the bad weather and had postponed the Autumn Rave. Although somebody has desisted from joining Summer Aquarian of late, we have still hammered at mellowing the Autumn Rave.
    What we do is to arouse your passion for Rave Party.

    We are assured that it is worthy of our long-term preparation.
    Of course, we are looking forward to seeing you next week.

    Hope to see u soon !!
    Jason @ Cube Production
    Taipei 10/03/2007


    Hi, my sites:4fffbb

  3. http://musicdownloads.tripod.com/music-downloads.html Says:

    Hi, my sites:749c240115871c1ba754a92c97d34102

  4. freemusicdownloads Says:

    Great boys3628509696f42542230c5536720abb89

by Janny (台達電子文教基金會)

Last Thursday, my coworkers and I went to watch 「The 11th Hour,」 Leonardo DiCaprio’s latest documentary on global warming at Warner Brother’s office in Taipei. Based on the-not-so-flattering review by the United Press Syndicate, I didn』t hold much hope that this film would be better than Al Gore』s 「An Inconvenient Truth.」 Plus, Leonardo, the actor, never meant much to me at the movies. 「Titanic」 was not a movie that I would pay to watch. I saw 「Catch Me If You Can」 on HBO while doing laundry, and to this date, I have not had the inkling to rent his last blockbuster hit, 「The Blood Diamond.」

上星期四,我和同事一起到華納兄弟電影公司的試片室,去看李奧那多最新主演的暖化記錄片「第十一個小時」。 根據之前一篇令人喪氣的影評,我對於此片並不抱有任何希望,甚至覺得應該會比高爾的《不願面對的真相》評價要差。此外,我對李奧那多也沒什麼好印象,像我 就無法說服自己買票進電影院,看他所主演的《鐵達尼號》,而他其他演過賣座影片像是《神鬼交鋒》和《血鑽石》等,我也只是無聊時在轉電視頻道或逛影帶出租 店時,才會偶而注意一下。

What I can I tell you? For starters, the United Press Syndicate got it all wrong - it is not boring. I find this film more powerful and inspiring than 「An Inconvenient Truth.」 Don』t get me wrong; I like Mr. Gore and his documentary very much. I think his movie delivers his arguments effectively by taking a very analytical, data heavy approach. The showing of then and now images, the statistics, and simulations graphics, all force me to accept that global warming is really happening, logically. On the other hand, 「The 11th Hour,」 takes on the grander view by exploring humanity』s past, present, and future relationship to earth: how we came to this point, why aren』t we doing anything about it, and what must we do to have a decent future. I feel that this gives me a context with my world. I can relate to it; therefore, I care, and I want to do something about it.

不過呢,在看完試片後我必須要說,United Press Syndicate 的影評大錯特錯。我甚至覺得這部片比《不願面對的真相》還要有力及發人深省。你可別誤會,我個人是很喜歡高爾和他的那部暖化記錄片,他利用了影像、數字、 模擬圖等,有效地傳播了他的論點,並讓我在邏輯上接受了「暖化正在發生」這件事。然而,《第十一個小時》採取了更宏觀的觀點,它探索人類在過去、現在和未 來與地球的關係,比如說為什麼我們明明知道暖化的威脅,我們卻選擇不作任何事?我們又該怎麼作才能有一個舒適的未來?我想這部電影給了我一些新的思考脈 絡,讓我可以和電影有所牽連,我甚至開始學會關心暖化議題,並願意為對抗暖化去作一些事。

This film is a collection of imageries accompanied by commentaries from an impressive group of scientists, visionaries, and leaders in related fields. Because of my work, I am familiar with many of them. For people who are not steeped in the environmental culture, this panel of talking heads might not mean so much to you. But if you really listen to what they are saying; some of them might touch you and inspire you look at your world differently. There are many memorable quotes that really resonate with me. Without hampering your experience of this movie, I will give you an example and share with you one part of what David Suzuki said about where we are today that hit me hard. I have to paraphrase it - In the 4,000,000,000 years of earth』s history, 99.9999% (yes, 4 decimal points) of species ever existed have become extinct. So, it』s not unnatural for human beings as a species to become extinct. What』s unnatural and a shame is that we are taking more than 54,000 species a year to extinction with us! I』ve been in this field for a while, and I know that our environment has been deteriorating for a long time and that there are species going extinct everyday. But when I heard David Suzuki said it, I felt it; it made me feel awful. It』s one thing that we, as a collective choose our own destruction, but it』s plain wrong to kill off others when they have no say in the matter.

這 部片是由一連串的訪談所構成,包括像是科學家、議題倡導者、或是環保相關領域的領導者。由於我自己是從事這方面的工作,所以這些人我其實都相當熟悉,但 也許對於環保領域不熟的人而言,這些人的臉孔可能就跟陌生人沒兩樣。不過,只要你願意平心靜氣的聽他們說什麼,或許片裡有些話就能觸動到你的心弦,甚至啟 發你以不同的角度去看待這個世界。

這部片裡有許多令人回味無窮的片段,並且真的讓我引起共鳴。為了不妨礙你對這部片的觀感,我這裡就只 舉David Suzuki的例子。他在片中提到,在地球四十億年的歷史長河裡,曾經存在於地球的物種,有百分之九十九點九九九九都已經滅絕,所以如果人類不滅亡的話才 是違反自然。但是,丟臉的是,我們人類竟造成了五萬四千種生物族群的滅絕,這才是真正的違反自然!

我已經在環保的領域工作一段時間,而 我也知道我們的環境已經惡化很長一段時間,每天並有許多的生物因為我們而從地球上消失。但當我聽到David Suzuki再次提到此事時,卻讓我真正感覺可怕。人類造成了自身的滅絕是咎由自取,但若因人類的發展而使得其他物種滅種,這完全是一件錯的事。

The movie does offer hope that we have the ability to change this. Thom Hartmann said this: 「 Some people suggest that in order to live sustainably we have to go out in the woods and put on animal skins and live on roots and berries. And the simple reality is that we do have technology. The question is, how can we use our understanding of science and our understanding of technology along with our understanding of culture, and how culture changes, to create a culture that will interact with science and with the world around us in a sustainable fashion?

這部電影給了我們一些改變的希望。記得Thom Hartmann曾說過,「有些人建議為了人類的永續生存,我們應該回去過著茹毛飲血的日子。但事實上,我們擁有或可改變一切的科技。所以實際上的問題 是,我們要如何搭配我們在科技與文化兩方面的知識?我們又該如何讓文化逐步改變,並在永續發展的脈絡下,創造一個可以讓科學與環保共存的文化?」

I, myself, have never been a proponent of going back to the stone ages and live without all the creature comforts we have available today. But, I do believe that we should at least try our best and do something. So, go see the movie and get inspired. There are plenty of things you can do now.


Additional Information 看片叮嚀

1. This film is not like 「The Day After Tomorrow.」

2. If you are considering seeing this film only because you like Leonard DiCaprio, be warned that his role in this film is limited; you don』t see much of him, but he does a great job moderating, posing questions and wrapping up segments.

3. Do some homework before or after the movie. Get to know the group in the movie. Here is a link to all their biographies: http://www.11thhouraction.com/ideasandexperts.

4. Go see the movie and have a discussion.

Janny』s Idols
· Paul Hawken – author of 「Ecology of Commerce,」 「Natural Capitalism,」 and 「Blessed  Unrest」
· Ray Anderson – founder of Interface (carpet company) and author of 「Mid-Course Correction」
· David Suzuki – scientist, environmental educator and chair of David Suzuki Foundation.

推薦電影:the 11th hour ( 20070829 西雅圖凹凸境部落格)
第十一個小時 (20070918 Divergence部落格)
熱愛地球 更顯巨星豐采 (20071005 Isyaju的樂活報報部落格)




5 Responses to “第11個小時 The 11th Hour”

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by Janny (台達電子文教基金會)

Last Thursday, my coworkers and I went to watch 「The 11th Hour,」 Leonardo DiCaprio’s latest documentary on global warming at Warner Brother’s office in Taipei. Based on the-not-so-flattering review by the United Press Syndicate, I didn』t hold much hope that this film would be better than Al Gore』s 「An Inconvenient Truth.」 Plus, Leonardo, the actor, never meant much to me at the movies. 「Titanic」 was not a movie that I would pay to watch. I saw 「Catch Me If You Can」 on HBO while doing laundry, and to this date, I have not had the inkling to rent his last blockbuster hit, 「The Blood Diamond.」

上星期四,我和同事一起到華納兄弟電影公司的試片室,去看李奧那多最新主演的暖化記錄片「第十一個小時」。 根據之前一篇令人喪氣的影評,我對於此片並不抱有任何希望,甚至覺得應該會比高爾的《不願面對的真相》評價要差。此外,我對李奧那多也沒什麼好印象,像我 就無法說服自己買票進電影院,看他所主演的《鐵達尼號》,而他其他演過賣座影片像是《神鬼交鋒》和《血鑽石》等,我也只是無聊時在轉電視頻道或逛影帶出租 店時,才會偶而注意一下。

What I can I tell you? For starters, the United Press Syndicate got it all wrong - it is not boring. I find this film more powerful and inspiring than 「An Inconvenient Truth.」 Don』t get me wrong; I like Mr. Gore and his documentary very much. I think his movie delivers his arguments effectively by taking a very analytical, data heavy approach. The showing of then and now images, the statistics, and simulations graphics, all force me to accept that global warming is really happening, logically. On the other hand, 「The 11th Hour,」 takes on the grander view by exploring humanity』s past, present, and future relationship to earth: how we came to this point, why aren』t we doing anything about it, and what must we do to have a decent future. I feel that this gives me a context with my world. I can relate to it; therefore, I care, and I want to do something about it.

不過呢,在看完試片後我必須要說,United Press Syndicate 的影評大錯特錯。我甚至覺得這部片比《不願面對的真相》還要有力及發人深省。你可別誤會,我個人是很喜歡高爾和他的那部暖化記錄片,他利用了影像、數字、 模擬圖等,有效地傳播了他的論點,並讓我在邏輯上接受了「暖化正在發生」這件事。然而,《第十一個小時》採取了更宏觀的觀點,它探索人類在過去、現在和未 來與地球的關係,比如說為什麼我們明明知道暖化的威脅,我們卻選擇不作任何事?我們又該怎麼作才能有一個舒適的未來?我想這部電影給了我一些新的思考脈 絡,讓我可以和電影有所牽連,我甚至開始學會關心暖化議題,並願意為對抗暖化去作一些事。

This film is a collection of imageries accompanied by commentaries from an impressive group of scientists, visionaries, and leaders in related fields. Because of my work, I am familiar with many of them. For people who are not steeped in the environmental culture, this panel of talking heads might not mean so much to you. But if you really listen to what they are saying; some of them might touch you and inspire you look at your world differently. There are many memorable quotes that really resonate with me. Without hampering your experience of this movie, I will give you an example and share with you one part of what David Suzuki said about where we are today that hit me hard. I have to paraphrase it - In the 4,000,000,000 years of earth』s history, 99.9999% (yes, 4 decimal points) of species ever existed have become extinct. So, it』s not unnatural for human beings as a species to become extinct. What』s unnatural and a shame is that we are taking more than 54,000 species a year to extinction with us! I』ve been in this field for a while, and I know that our environment has been deteriorating for a long time and that there are species going extinct everyday. But when I heard David Suzuki said it, I felt it; it made me feel awful. It』s one thing that we, as a collective choose our own destruction, but it』s plain wrong to kill off others when they have no say in the matter.

這 部片是由一連串的訪談所構成,包括像是科學家、議題倡導者、或是環保相關領域的領導者。由於我自己是從事這方面的工作,所以這些人我其實都相當熟悉,但 也許對於環保領域不熟的人而言,這些人的臉孔可能就跟陌生人沒兩樣。不過,只要你願意平心靜氣的聽他們說什麼,或許片裡有些話就能觸動到你的心弦,甚至啟 發你以不同的角度去看待這個世界。

這部片裡有許多令人回味無窮的片段,並且真的讓我引起共鳴。為了不妨礙你對這部片的觀感,我這裡就只 舉David Suzuki的例子。他在片中提到,在地球四十億年的歷史長河裡,曾經存在於地球的物種,有百分之九十九點九九九九都已經滅絕,所以如果人類不滅亡的話才 是違反自然。但是,丟臉的是,我們人類竟造成了五萬四千種生物族群的滅絕,這才是真正的違反自然!

我已經在環保的領域工作一段時間,而 我也知道我們的環境已經惡化很長一段時間,每天並有許多的生物因為我們而從地球上消失。但當我聽到David Suzuki再次提到此事時,卻讓我真正感覺可怕。人類造成了自身的滅絕是咎由自取,但若因人類的發展而使得其他物種滅種,這完全是一件錯的事。

The movie does offer hope that we have the ability to change this. Thom Hartmann said this: 「 Some people suggest that in order to live sustainably we have to go out in the woods and put on animal skins and live on roots and berries. And the simple reality is that we do have technology. The question is, how can we use our understanding of science and our understanding of technology along with our understanding of culture, and how culture changes, to create a culture that will interact with science and with the world around us in a sustainable fashion?

這部電影給了我們一些改變的希望。記得Thom Hartmann曾說過,「有些人建議為了人類的永續生存,我們應該回去過著茹毛飲血的日子。但事實上,我們擁有或可改變一切的科技。所以實際上的問題 是,我們要如何搭配我們在科技與文化兩方面的知識?我們又該如何讓文化逐步改變,並在永續發展的脈絡下,創造一個可以讓科學與環保共存的文化?」

I, myself, have never been a proponent of going back to the stone ages and live without all the creature comforts we have available today. But, I do believe that we should at least try our best and do something. So, go see the movie and get inspired. There are plenty of things you can do now.


Additional Information 看片叮嚀

1. This film is not like 「The Day After Tomorrow.」

2. If you are considering seeing this film only because you like Leonard DiCaprio, be warned that his role in this film is limited; you don』t see much of him, but he does a great job moderating, posing questions and wrapping up segments.

3. Do some homework before or after the movie. Get to know the group in the movie. Here is a link to all their biographies: http://www.11thhouraction.com/ideasandexperts.

4. Go see the movie and have a discussion.

Janny』s Idols
· Paul Hawken – author of 「Ecology of Commerce,」 「Natural Capitalism,」 and 「Blessed  Unrest」
· Ray Anderson – founder of Interface (carpet company) and author of 「Mid-Course Correction」
· David Suzuki – scientist, environmental educator and chair of David Suzuki Foundation.

推薦電影:the 11th hour ( 20070829 西雅圖凹凸境部落格)
第十一個小時 (20070918 Divergence部落格)
熱愛地球 更顯巨星豐采 (20071005 Isyaju的樂活報報部落格)




5 Responses to “第11個小時 The 11th Hour”

  1. ibzpugvq uzrghx Says:

    xbpvdieu jvqftl sdyvtmew fnigse uyomsgcv utejiywzf tchqa


    Hello people3343e6

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    Yhanks you62c5ede6ee0492603c70188f48f80bc0

  4. limewire Says:

    Hi boys!a0cfb0aa77768d942e5281c698a8b5cb

  5. free mp3 Says:

    Hello peoplec34d39977e0e1e2aa91f4e17a43fb3e6


龜 山島地勢分為龜首(高239公尺)、龜甲(海拔高398公尺)、龜尾,長 (1000公尺)三大部分,島上居民曾經多達759人(1967年),後來因為島上物資缺乏、交通不便,生活相當不易,龜山人紛紛移往本島,1967年龜 山島被劃入軍事管區,將龜山人集體遷村移往現今大溪仁澤社區。

宜 蘭縣內只要無山丘阻擋之處都可以看到龜山島,全台灣最為特殊醒目的地標之一, 龜山島海域為台灣三大漁場之一,是鯨、豚迴遊必經之路,放眼世界各地,人類與海豚的接觸幾乎僅止於在「海洋公園」生於台灣島的我們,何其有幸,不僅如此, 龜山島還被視為蘭陽平原的守護神,是宜蘭縣民共同信仰圖騰。


而 龜山島也不負眾望的在民國89年8月1日正式開放民眾登島,交通部觀光局東北 角海岸風景管理處,為保護龜山島自然生態環境,每日登島總人數以250名為原則,自96年3月起登島總人數增加為每日400名,逢週六、週日增加至500 名,就讓我們一窺龜山島神秘之面紗吧!!!

『龜 山朝日』遠自清代,即已是「蘭陽八景」之一,而今在蘭陽百景中,仍是璀璨的 一顆明珠,目前屬軍事管制區,歷來的藝術家常以龜山島作為歌詠描述的對象,也是創作的靈感泉源。宜蘭農漁民的生活,亦和龜山島密不可分,因此便產生「龜山 那崁頭,大雨隨時到」等等俚諺,十分有趣。



More Info.:


龜 山島地勢分為龜首(高239公尺)、龜甲(海拔高398公尺)、龜尾,長 (1000公尺)三大部分,島上居民曾經多達759人(1967年),後來因為島上物資缺乏、交通不便,生活相當不易,龜山人紛紛移往本島,1967年龜 山島被劃入軍事管區,將龜山人集體遷村移往現今大溪仁澤社區。

宜 蘭縣內只要無山丘阻擋之處都可以看到龜山島,全台灣最為特殊醒目的地標之一, 龜山島海域為台灣三大漁場之一,是鯨、豚迴遊必經之路,放眼世界各地,人類與海豚的接觸幾乎僅止於在「海洋公園」生於台灣島的我們,何其有幸,不僅如此, 龜山島還被視為蘭陽平原的守護神,是宜蘭縣民共同信仰圖騰。


而 龜山島也不負眾望的在民國89年8月1日正式開放民眾登島,交通部觀光局東北 角海岸風景管理處,為保護龜山島自然生態環境,每日登島總人數以250名為原則,自96年3月起登島總人數增加為每日400名,逢週六、週日增加至500 名,就讓我們一窺龜山島神秘之面紗吧!!!

『龜 山朝日』遠自清代,即已是「蘭陽八景」之一,而今在蘭陽百景中,仍是璀璨的 一顆明珠,目前屬軍事管制區,歷來的藝術家常以龜山島作為歌詠描述的對象,也是創作的靈感泉源。宜蘭農漁民的生活,亦和龜山島密不可分,因此便產生「龜山 那崁頭,大雨隨時到」等等俚諺,十分有趣。



More Info.:


Summer Aquarian 2007 2nd. Stop :: Autumn Rave
Delay to 10/20/2007(Saturday)


Summer Aquarian過去這六年以來

我們是因為Summer Aquarian而認識,後步入禮堂!!!

堅持Outdoor文化的延續與創新,更是Cube Production不變的目標!

已經使得Autumn Rave延期兩次…將近一個月的時間

這兩次的延期,確是讓我們思索如何把Autumn Rave做的更有味道些!!


Hope to see u soon !!
Jason @ Cube Production
Taipei 10/03/2007

3 Responses to “[延期至10/20] AUTUMN RAVE 2007”

  1. s Says:

    沒關西,我們相信等待是值得的,加油!don’t give up!雖然我不知道你是誰,但想跟你說:
    到時候見喔! :lol:

  2. Jetty @ CUBE Says:

    We are sorry to announce that typhoon KROSA postponed the 2nd stop of Summer Aquarian 2007, Autumn Rave, to October 20th 2007.

    Certainly, we appreciate your waiting and are moved by your support.
    Let’s look forward to the unique Autumn Rave Party(different from that at the beach).
    We have been encountering not only the difficulties but pleasure for the past six years.

    The most impressive thing for me is whenever I meet the newlyweds at the party, they tell me excitedly- 「you know?Jason, we are in love because of Summer Aquarian, and…we get married now.」
    Be honest, this saying occurs to us year and year.
    How wonderful it is.

    In the past six years, your love and touched have been pushing us forward!
    Insisting the extension and innovation of outdoor culture are the rooted goal.

    Recently, we have been enveloped with the bad weather and had postponed the Autumn Rave. Although somebody has desisted from joining Summer Aquarian of late, we have still hammered at mellowing the Autumn Rave.
    What we do is to arouse your passion for Rave Party.

    We are assured that it is worthy of our long-term preparation.
    Of course, we are looking forward to seeing you next week.

    Hope to see you soon!!
    Jason @Cube Production
    Taipei 10/12/2007

  3. Jetty @ CUBE Says:

    To: S


Summer Aquarian 2007 2nd. Stop :: Autumn Rave
Delay to 10/20/2007(Saturday)


Summer Aquarian過去這六年以來

我們是因為Summer Aquarian而認識,後步入禮堂!!!

堅持Outdoor文化的延續與創新,更是Cube Production不變的目標!

已經使得Autumn Rave延期兩次…將近一個月的時間

這兩次的延期,確是讓我們思索如何把Autumn Rave做的更有味道些!!


Hope to see u soon !!
Jason @ Cube Production
Taipei 10/03/2007

3 Responses to “[延期至10/20] AUTUMN RAVE 2007”

  1. s Says:

    沒關西,我們相信等待是值得的,加油!don’t give up!雖然我不知道你是誰,但想跟你說:
    到時候見喔! :lol:

  2. Jetty @ CUBE Says:

    We are sorry to announce that typhoon KROSA postponed the 2nd stop of Summer Aquarian 2007, Autumn Rave, to October 20th 2007.

    Certainly, we appreciate your waiting and are moved by your support.
    Let’s look forward to the unique Autumn Rave Party(different from that at the beach).
    We have been encountering not only the difficulties but pleasure for the past six years.

    The most impressive thing for me is whenever I meet the newlyweds at the party, they tell me excitedly- 「you know?Jason, we are in love because of Summer Aquarian, and…we get married now.」
    Be honest, this saying occurs to us year and year.
    How wonderful it is.

    In the past six years, your love and touched have been pushing us forward!
    Insisting the extension and innovation of outdoor culture are the rooted goal.

    Recently, we have been enveloped with the bad weather and had postponed the Autumn Rave. Although somebody has desisted from joining Summer Aquarian of late, we have still hammered at mellowing the Autumn Rave.
    What we do is to arouse your passion for Rave Party.

    We are assured that it is worthy of our long-term preparation.
    Of course, we are looking forward to seeing you next week.

    Hope to see you soon!!
    Jason @Cube Production
    Taipei 10/12/2007

  3. Jetty @ CUBE Says:

    To: S

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