引用來源 © http://350taipei.blogspot.com
350是什麼呢? What is "350"?
350是什麼意思呢? 全球頂尖科學家說過,大氣層中含有350ppm二氧化碳是一個安全的標準值。目前我們已經到了390ppm而且二氧化碳的比率還在迅速提高中。
這個活動代表什麼? 350,這個活動要傳達地球暖化的警訊。我們要很清楚地告訴全球各國政府他們現在立刻要採取行動。他們一定要減少溫室氣體的排放量,防止這個問題繼續惡化。請上www.350.org 的網站參閱更多相關科學資訊。
我什麼時候可以參加呢? 10月24號 下午4點到5點。
參加地點? 信義新光三越A8館南側門口。(參閱地圖)
當天活動內容如何? 4點鐘集合,短暫交流,4點15出發遊行到台北101對面公園。最後在公園內拍“350”的團體照。拍照是活動中既重要又好玩的一部分 (請見上面圖片)。我們在台北所拍的照片將會是全球“350”系列照片之一,全部照片將會寄給12月7日在哥本哈根參加地球暖化高峰會議的各國政府 ,呼籲他們全球日益暖化的嚴重性。
我可以參加嗎? 當然可以參加嘍! 越多人參加活動越好。你一定會享受這個活動,可是重點不是好玩。我們要在哥本哈根參加地球暖化高峰會議的各國政府正視這個迫切的問題。
What does the 350 action represent? The 350 action is trying to raise awareness about global warming. We want to send a message to the world’s politicians. They must act now and lower our CO2 emissions before this problem gets much worse. Visit www.350.org for more information on the science.
When will it happen? Saturday the 24th of October from 4-5pm.
Where will it happen? We will meet in the large open area just outside the south entrance of building A8 of the Mitsukoshi department store. It’s less than a 5 minute walk from Taipei City Hall MRT station.
What will happen on the day? We will meet at 4pm. At about 4:15pm, we will march through the shopping district to the small park opposite Taipei 101 (see map). At the park, we will take the “350” photo. Our 350 photograph will form part of an international collection of 350 photos that will be sent to the politicians attending the UN Climate Change talks in Copenhagen beginning December the 7th. (See the above pictures)
Can I attend? Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes! We need as many people as possible to attend. It will be fun, but it’s also a very important chance to tell the world’s leaders at Copenhagen that we want action now.
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