
原訂8/6舉辦之夏至音樂節活動,因梅花颱風發佈海上颱風警報被迫延期,原訂來台演出的Max Graham、Steve Mac等兩位國外藝人在8/13仍有他國巡迴演出,因此忍痛取消夏至音樂節的演出,夏至音樂節團隊對此深感到抱歉與無奈。為了所有遊客的興致與權益,我們緊急從日本邀請知名DJ Q’HEY來台參與8/13的活動。而所有取消演出的DJ,由於相關費用已經支付,這勢必會增加高額的製作成本,都由我們自行吸收。因活動改期所衍生之退票事宜,依照「年代售票」之相關規定辦理,8/10起不接受退票。

以下為Max Graham的聲明:
Big apology to everyone who wanted to come to the Festival in Taipei. Two days before i arrived in the city the Organisers met with everyone involved and due to an impending typhoon they opted to delay the festival for a week. Unfortunately i had another gig and won't be able to make it :(, we'll do a makeup gig for sure and i can't wait to be back ♥



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