◼ 主吧區 [電音/浩室] | Main BAR [Electronic/House] : 15:00~03:30
K.J. Stone (素人DJ), Eddie Hu (回聲唱片), MiniJay (Bass Kitchen), A-Tao (有種唱片), FioN (BPM), Kaoru, @L (BPM), The Sonic Kid (Bass Kitchen), Code, Jerry Aseret, 006, F*Daniel, Al Burro

DJ Code
自幼學習小提琴,1997年和好友組織搖滾樂團擔任鼓手一職,隔年進入電子領域,直到2002年成為一名DJ後,便展開豐富的音樂旅程。陸續擔任錄音師、混音製作人、廣告及電影配樂製作,堅持原創的新東方風格音樂型態,將於09年映象唱片發行首張個人數位專輯 [江水],大膽的將冷烈的電子元素結合富傳統古 典之美的樂器音色,使用的樂器包含二胡、古箏、木笛、及多重中國打擊樂器; DJ Code 豐富的創作靈魂來自於從小生長於臺灣這塊富生命力的土地,原汁原味的 阿美族歌謠及佛光禪寺法師人聲絕妙的迷幻混入DJ Code 09年9月澳洲廠牌[ELEKTRAX MUSIC]發行的 [閘門] 數位單曲之中,DJ Code前衛的東方實驗電子元素創作音樂被受矚目。
曲風: 東方風格創作 / Break Beat / Progressive / Tech House / Minimal

DJ The Sonic Kid (Bass Kitchen)

進化後的音樂, 進化後的的DJ.
以tech house的律動及deep house的旋律展現多元化的dj set.
The Sonic Kid is a new name, but he is no newcomer.
It's simply a pseudonym for one of Taiwan's top Djs now used to represent his deeper projects. A resident of Bass Kitchen, The Sonic Kid's Deep/Tech sounds are among the best in The Biz!

1992年開始DJ生涯。 擁有台灣原住民阿美族血統,對節奏極為 敏銳的DJ FioN, 是bpm Production中首席女DJ, 早期以Techno在Disco和Rave Party中引起熱烈迴響的DJ FioN,短短的時間就素有Techno girl的雅號. DJ FioN在Break Beat和HOUSE的音樂中不斷追求發現屬於自己的精彩曲 風,HOUSE的科技電子元素加上Break Beat的碎拍跳躍節奏,讓人不動都難。DJ FioN的音樂風格在強烈的節奏中帶有女性的唯美, 完美的MIX加上活潑穩健的台風, 讓舞客完全感染到她的音樂訴求, 並且經常受邀到各地表演。 齊聚眾多才藝於一身的DJ FioN,在燈光程式設計中也有驚艷的表現,2002-2006擔任LION KING駐場DJ並負責燈光程式設計規劃,專業的燈光設 計往往讓現在舞客置身於迷幻的立體空間中,是台灣少數燈光程式設計師中的重量級人物。2005年11月份出刊的ELLE GIRL女性雜誌中接受專訪。2007受邀至中國杭州駐場。同時也是國內少有具DJ專業與燈光設計於一身的才女。
音樂型態: Tech House、Break beat


Djing from 1986
BPM ProductioN首腦
1986 開始DJ生涯1992成立BPM ProductioN
1993開始對電子樂的一切展現熱情,並開始參 予有關電子樂的活動及演出
在台灣Rave文化圈留下許多令人難忘的足跡,從Techno、Electro House一直到Drum N’ Bass,熟稔的手法總是輕易轉化許多律動的 節拍。並於2010與映象唱片合作製作完成Bassline Reload混音專輯。
ELECTRO House不僅延續TECHNO重擊電音的風格
優遊在音樂國度的DJ @L更在DRUM N' BASS中
加入HIP HOP, REGGAE, ROCK...許多不同的音樂元素

DJ Kaoru
自04'年有幸參與Spunite與Luxy舉辦的Iron DJ競賽並勝出後;Kaoru開啟了一波台灣新生代DJ狂潮。逐年累積的現場操盤功力導入前衛 風潮的碎拍及浩室及樂於互動的風格讓舞迷津津樂道且印象深刻.讓人過目不忘的表演環繞濃烈律動與澎湃能量,架構全新聽覺世界觀.
Ever since he had the honor to enter the Iron DJ competition held on '04 by Taipei nightclub Luxy (and winning); Kaoru struck frenzy upon the new DJ generation. Since then he steadily accumulated his live record spinning skills, and has made a certain impression amongst the club kids; he who has gained many gig experiences playing up and down Taiwan; gradually cultivated his own intense style of breakbeat and house. His goal now is to be versatile in every genre and receive good comments in every performance.

DJ Jerry Aseret
2001年從日本發跡的Kotoswitch是近來逐漸展露在國際間的電音DJ & Producer , 在DJ與創作及製作的領域上都可以看到他的身 影 , 其創作風格與水準更是受到美國佛州電 音先驅人物Thomas Penton的青睞並在紐約電音大廠System Recordings發行兩人首度攜手合作的單曲.目前他的創作已廣受世界級DJ 如Glenn Morrsion、Thomas Penton與Heatbeat等肯定。
Born in April 1982 of Taiwanese descendent, Koto was Five years old when his parents found out that he was always holding a microphone and bouncing on the bed. This observation allowed there and then, little Koto the chance to explore his talent in his first musical instrument-The Piano. The onslaught of opportunities that followed thru transformed his keen interest in the music arena for the next 20 years. Being exposed to electronic music at the age of 16, he was greatly inspired by electronic sounds and was instantly compelled to achieve his dreams as a world class producer/artist. With that in mind, he started off his DJ career from smaller scale clubs to internationally renowned arenas and has never looked back since. His passion and self-driven motivation for music has never waned. His respect for all musical genres truly makes him a class above the rest. After returning back from Japan, he immersed himself in the studio, concentrating on producing and trying to position himself in the progressive field. Year 2006 proved a breakthrough after many years of hard work, Koto finally developed a totally unique sound – grooving and powerful, ranging from electro to progressive trance, always melodic, grooving and perfect for the dance floor. Sounds that transcends beyond even the most discerning ears. Currently, Koto is doing releases with DJ Thomas Penton, Chris Reece, Glenn Morrison, Francesco Pico, MaRLo, Tyler Michaud, Sergio Armes, John C, Damian DP, Alex Armes, Josh Rotten and more, of course more singles and remixes are on their way to showcase his talents and creativity
Labels: Electric Candy/ Recordings/System Recordings/Pangea Recordings

DJ A-Tao (有種唱片)
1997年 始接觸各式電子音樂。2004年 開設有種唱片行Species Records。最大的志趣便是與同好們一起分享體驗對於音樂的生活態度。致力協辦大小派對以推廣電子舞曲。音樂風格建築在各種Deep/Underground類型及對黑膠唱片的熱愛。

DJ 006
於早期2001年,退出了龐克樂團的DJ006,來到台灣展開了冒險旅程,與前女友 來到一家位於台北的夜店TeXound,發現自己再次陷入對電音的狂熱,影響DJ006的台灣傳奇DJ指標性人物有Tiger, Stone, Victor Cheng, Eric Huang, a與 Jimmy Chen。很快地,DJ006開始他的派對打碟,像是Summer Aquarian等大大小小的戶外或室內派對活動。回到加拿大,DJ006花費許多時間研究音樂技術,事隔三年 再次回到台灣,便不斷受邀到台北各知名夜店像是Luxy或Eden擔任駐場或表演DJ,並獲好評。回到加拿大期間,他便受邀到加拿大知名夜店Redroom nightclub擔任表演DJ,與當時台灣DJ指標性人物 Ex-pat DJ Victor Chen共同表演於Whistler Resort惠斯勒度假村的週期性派對活動。回到台灣,DJ006抱持著對電子音樂的狂熱,希望讓電子音樂的光輝時代再次重現,在復興的初步,他與來自溫哥華DJ V Dub成功營造了After Party在台北Rise夜店,並希望藉由籌辦派對能夠成為廠牌DJ並推行發展自己熱愛的音樂類型-Dark-Tribal,Techno and Progressive。有著廣闊的Deep house與音樂知識的DJ006,不論何時何地,他總是蓄勢待發。
DJ006 is no stranger to the Electronica scene in Taiwan. He as been making a name for himself in his recent return to Taiwan with many guest spots and residencies including Luxy, Eden, Summer Aquarian, Bass Kitchen, Freakout, Rise, Twighlight.
Back in Canada he had residencies and guest spots In Vancouver at the famed after hours – Gorg-o-Mish, as well as hosting a weekly party up in Whistler Resort.
Now back in Taiwan 006 plans on pushing the electronic music scene again with hopes of reviving the scene here. So far he has been successful in his first step, creating the very popular after hours party RISE with fellow Vancouver DJ Vdub. On top of DJN, 006 hopes this will be the year his production skills get him signed to a label so he can push his own brand of Dark – Tribal., Techno and Progressive music that he loves so much. Not one to be labeled though, 006 has a vast music knowledge with a huge Vinyl library packed full of deep house, breaks and straight up funky house, 006 is always armed and ready.

DJ F*Daniel
現齡26歲的F*Daniel 為國內新世代創作型DJ,現為個人獨立製作的專業編曲配樂工作者,同時身兼Model藝人的身分擔任多部戲劇影片和廣告主角演出。從小接受音樂的薰染與學習,從中國傳統樂器、西方古典鋼琴,到流行樂團 至今的電子音樂,多方面的創作涉略了流行、編曲配樂與電子音樂。擅長Electro、Tribal、Minimal、Tech- House、 Prog-Trance… 等曲風;目前計畫與不同的音樂人共同合作演出也與Female Singr搭配女聲合作及現場彈奏Keyboard的Live表演。2002年時適17歲即開始接觸DJing,2004年首次正式於夜店展開演出,2006年於高雄為中華民國國慶電音派對擔綱主秀表演,並將愛國、傳統歌曲及原住民歌謠的重新混音編排驚艷全場。2008 年6月發表於國外Podomatic網站的Tribalectro#02的 混音作品更是吸引十萬人爆量播放下載奪得排行榜首。2010 年初以影片《DANNY》榮獲Los Angeles Reel Film Festival 2009 最佳短片配樂獎。近期幸運 時與世界百大DJ同台獻技,亦獲國內外知名資深DJ們所邀請指定暖場;同時在台北、高雄、台中各地知名 Club和同志夜店的客席與駐場經驗。且連續多年在國內 北海岸和墾丁等地的大型萬人戶外音樂節與時尚發表派對的邀約演出。目 前從事戲劇幕後配樂與專攻電子樂曲混音編寫,將七年級生的音樂主張做大量發表個人創作和混音作品,以年輕 之姿和豐富完整的演出經歷, 廣受各界矚目與喜愛好評。
F*Daniel is 26 years old. He is a new generation creative DJ in Taiwan. He is also an independent music producer and composer. He has also portrayed the male leading actor role in many dramas and commercial ads. F*Daniel has been under musical influences since he was little. He has learned the Chinese traditional instruments, western classical piano, pop music, and also electronica music. His music is diverse in style, which includes pop music, music composing and arranging, and electronica. His expertise lies with Electro, Tribal, Minimal, Tech-House, and Prog-Trance. He also partners with female singers and plays keyboard live on stage. F*Daniel was first on stage when he was seventeen. Just in a few years, he was invited to be one of the headliner DJs for the National Day electronica party in Kaoshiung in 2006. He remixed and rearranged patriotic songs, traditional music, and native aboriginal music for that party. The result blew everyone away at the scene. June 2008, mixed work Tribalectro#02 got more than 100 thousand downloads at the Podomatic website, making it # 1 on the chart. 2010, F*Daniel composed music for movie《DANNY》 and it won the Best Short Film Music Award for Los Angeles Reel Film Festival 2009He has been working alongside with DJs from the world’s top 100s recently. He was also a guest DJ or resident DJ at various famous clubs and gay clubs in Taipei, Kaoshiung, and Taichung. F*Daniel was also invited to perform at the outdoor music festival on the northern shore and Kenting, also some fashion shows for the past few years. F*Daniel is currently working as music composer for drama and also original and remixes of electronica. He puts many ideas of his generation into his original creation and remixes. He has done a lot of performances at such a young age, making him the focus of everyone’s attention and admiration.

DJ MiniJay (Bass Kitchen)
MiniJay, DJ Chamber 跟 Dr Fish 在 2008 年的時候成立 Bass Kitchen UK, 並且致力推廣電子音樂文化. MiniJay 停留在英國的時間把他獨特的 minimal / house / techno 的聲音傳達到整個西英格蘭跟倫敦並且曾 經在英國一些最大的clubs表演過.
MiniJay 對音樂有一套他自己獨特的哲學: 他專研的不只是聲音本身的質, 更注重音素的獨特性. 這是其中兩個原因為甚麼他放的音樂跟很 有自己的特色. MiniJay 的音樂風格深深被一些歐洲的DJs跟製作人影響: 像是德國法蘭克福的 Robert Dietz, 漢堡的 Stimming, 跟英國倫敦的 Andrew Meadows, 都是一些代表.
MiniJay以前是個英國電音文化的提倡者, 他的頭銜包含了 Bass Kitchen 創辦人, HubRadio, Brap.FM DJ 跟 Chemical Records DJ比賽 2008 評審. 他曾是 Bass Kitchen UK, Deep Fried House, Beats on Toast, 跟 headRUSH 的駐場 DJ, 並多次應邀到倫敦去表演.
現在, MiniJay 回到自己的家鄉, 創辦 Bass Kitchen Taiwan. 他將他在英國所學到的知識, 技能跟經驗用在台灣, 活動辦的一次比一次精彩, 他自己本身的DJ名聲也一直在快速的成長, 讓他成為台灣備受矚目的DJ之一.
MiniJay founded Bass Kitchen UK alongside DJ Chamber and Dr Fish in 2008. As well as promoting Bass Kitchen, his time in the UK was spent delivering his unique minimal / house / techno sounds all over the South West and London as well as playing in some of the UK's biggest clubs (including the world famous Motion Skatepark).
MiniJay has a unique philsophy regarding what he thinks music is all about: He focuses on not only the quality of sound, but the uniqueness of individual elements, which are two of many reasons that distinguish him from others. MiniJay's music is heavily influenced by Robert Dietz (Frankfurt, Germany), Stimming (Hamburg, Germany) and Andrew Meadows (London, UK) just to name a few.
MiniJay was an important purveyor of dance music in the UK. His titles include Bass Kitchen promoter, HubRadio / Brap.FM DJ and Chemical Records Battle of the DJs 2008 judge. He held residencies at Bass Kitchen, Deep Fried House, Beats on Toast and headRUSH.
With his return to Taiwan, he is now the head chef of Bass Kitchen Taiwan and, using the knowledge and skill sets that he gained in the UK, is currently taking the club night from strength to strength. His reputation as a DJ is also growing rapidly, making MiniJay one to watch for the future!

DJ Eddie Hu
出生於亞洲島國台灣.家鄉位於南方的工業城市高雄,17歲時開始接觸搖滾音樂~並開始Eddie 10年的搖滾樂團生涯,擔任主唱以及吉他手的位置,並且在當地製作,發行音樂與進行現場演出.
當Eddie在2005年開始接觸 到電子音樂,就開始對於電子音樂的多元深深著迷,進而開始學習製作電子音樂,在做了幾張獨立電子音樂發行之後,Eddie也開始進行DJ的演出,逐漸的受到注目.
Eddie對於音樂製作從不停止他的熱誠,從最早期的Tape Recorder到Digital Audio WorkStation,從Analog到Digital,搖滾與電子音樂一直伸值於他的心中.近年來鑽研House與Techno音樂,並開始製作出充滿Grooving的Dance Music.

DJ Al Burro
來自英國的Al Burro,自從在1994年聽過Jeff Mills的Transmission作品後,便對Techno音樂產生莫大興趣。他與朋友迷上了這種充滿未來感的聲音,兩人在1995年買下了第一組唱盤,自此之後,便與Techno結下不解之緣。荼毒鄰居們的耳朵數年之後,兩人決定到外頭闖蕩,讓世人見識他們的厲害。隨著時間經過,他的放歌功力日漸精湛,甚至受邀至美國表演。但在那之後,他決定暫告DJ身分,轉戰舞池,成為聞歌起舞的樂迷之一。當Al Burro的旅行生涯暫時告一段落時,他重拾對放歌的熱情,找到了更成熟圓滑的曲風。除了仍深植他心中的Detroit Soul和Motown外,且更添加了許多世界性的元素,例如:爵士、嘻哈、搖擺爵士、浩斯…等等。他崇拜的DJ不勝枚舉,包括了:Gilles Peterson、Ninja Tunes、Mr. Scruff、DJ Food、Jurassic 5、Radiohead、Jeff Mills、Dave Clarke、Derrick May以及UR…等等。
Al Burro (London) first got interested in electronica back in 1994 when he first heard Jeff Mills’ Transmission 1. Drawn to the futuristic soundscape, he and a friend bought their first set of belt-driven decks back in 1995 and this began a longstanding affair with techno. After annoying the neighbours for a couple of years, they decided to branch out and start annoying people at private parties and smaller venues around England, and annoy them they did. But, with practice and time came a more well-rounded sound culminating in an invite to play in America; after which, he took a 5-year sabbatical from DJing and took his turn on the dance floors around the world.
When next Al stopped travelling long enough to make owning musical equipment logistically possible, Al discovered a more mature sound. The Detroit Soul and Motown roots remained, but added to this was a drive for a more worldly sound and an appreciation of other forms of music including jazz, hip hop, swing, house and too many more to mention. Al cites as some of his influences: Gilles Peterson, Ninja Tunes, Mr Scruff, DJ Food, Jurassic 5, Radiohead, Jeff Mills, Dave Clarke, Derrick May, UR and the list goes on.

DJ K.J. Stone (素人DJ)
並於2008年與台灣電子音樂大廠high note合作參與專輯混音:
Fashion Trends and Music 2 專輯混音

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