DJ Al Burro
來自英國的Al Burro,自從在1994年聽過Jeff Mills的Transmission作品後,便對Techno音樂產生莫大興趣。他與朋友迷上了這種充滿未來感的聲音,兩人在1995年買下了第一組唱盤,自此之後,便與Techno結下不解之緣。荼毒鄰居們的耳朵數年之後,兩人決定到外頭闖蕩,讓世人見識他們的厲害。隨著時間經過,他的放歌功力日漸精湛,甚至受邀至美國表演。但在那之後,他決定暫告DJ身分,轉戰舞池,成為聞歌起舞的樂迷之一。當Al Burro的旅行生涯暫時告一段落時,他重拾對放歌的熱情,找到了更成熟圓滑的曲風。除了仍深植他心中的Detroit Soul和Motown外,且更添加了許多世界性的元素,例如:爵士、嘻哈、搖擺爵士、浩斯…等等。他崇拜的DJ不勝枚舉,包括了:Gilles Peterson、Ninja Tunes、Mr. Scruff、DJ Food、Jurassic 5、Radiohead、Jeff Mills、Dave Clarke、Derrick May以及UR…等等。

Al Burro (London) first got interested in electronica back in 1994 when he first heard Jeff Mills’ Transmission 1. Drawn to the futuristic soundscape, he and a friend bought their first set of belt-driven decks back in 1995 and this began a longstanding affair with techno. After annoying the neighbours for a couple of years, they decided to branch out and start annoying people at private parties and smaller venues around England, and annoy them they did. But, with practice and time came a more well-rounded sound culminating in an invite to play in America; after which, he took a 5-year sabbatical from DJing and took his turn on the dance floors around the world.
When next Al stopped travelling long enough to make owning musical equipment logistically possible, Al discovered a more mature sound. The Detroit Soul and Motown roots remained, but added to this was a drive for a more worldly sound and an appreciation of other forms of music including jazz, hip hop, swing, house and too many more to mention. Al cites as some of his influences: Gilles Peterson, Ninja Tunes, Mr Scruff, DJ Food, Jurassic 5, Radiohead, Jeff Mills, Dave Clarke, Derrick May, UR and the list goes on.

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