DJ Tiger
還記得以前的霹靂舞少年嗎?Tiger正是臺灣第一批的B-Boy!從著迷於New Wave、Eurobeat舞曲的熱血青年進而對DJ產生的好奇,與深深發自內心對舞曲音樂的喜好,使得Tiger當時一頭鑽進了這個具有挑戰感與刺激性的行業-DJ,自此就與舞曲音樂結下不解之緣。1988年開始於「Valuntino」、「東王」擔任DJ以來,Tiger不斷追求具有強烈動能及與歐美同步流行的最新舞曲音樂;他 認為一個稱職的DJ就是能用音樂與舞者互動,將自我的情感用音樂表現出來, 牽動舞客每一絲情緒、打動舞客全身上下、裏裏外外每一個細胞。所以自從90年代初期在台北首屈一指的「KISS DISCO」舞廳擔任駐場DJ, 同時期也是Circus - 1、 Circus – 2 以及 Sex a go go 和 Live a go go的駐場 DJ。直到後期的「Queen’s CLUB、Texound Club」再到目前Jump Club以來,Tiger一直都是人氣度不錯的DJ!TIGER多年的DJ經驗及對市場的瞭解度,讓他更能清楚的瞭解到舞客們的需 要,也因為對舞曲環境的期望,在1998年和同好們共同開設了曾引領風潮的TeXound Dance Club,從此展開臺灣最新鮮刺激的舞曲紀元,且多次受邀至國外CLUB及PARTY表演,也是推動台灣電子舞曲不可或缺的主要人物之一。曾與歐洲電音天王 SASHA、ANTHONY PAPPA、VICTOR CALDERONE、RICHIE HAWTIN、 LEE BURRIDGE、 JOHN GRAHAM….. 等,國際知名DJ以及英國天團Underworld台北演唱會同台演出。
Dated back to 1988 when DJ Tiger was still young and full of passions for all kinds of dancing vibes. .his music history had dramatically begun... Starting as one of the first breaking boys in Taiwan. Tiger was deeply enchanted about New Wave and Eurobeats . his great interests over these exciting vibes has made him eager to spin one day on a dance floor and his life seemingly would never fall apart with music . Ever since 1988 . as a DJ in “Club Valentino” , what he cares is how he can interact the best with the clubbers . his music is always fierce and heart-touching, he expresses emotions with all his likes and successfully hit the recognitions in Taipei . he quickly gained fames and started spinning at several legendary venues as Kiss Disco ,Circus 1-2 ., Sex a go go and Live a go go . DJ Tiger became the one parties never miss out. With their expertise successfully infiltrating the market ,” TeXound Dance Club” was opened in 1998 by Tiger’s team , A brand new era had been again created . They have caught the trends along with what the clubbers needed. Followed as the second generation , “Jump Club “ was also born in 2000 . Several international top DJs had been invited to Taiwan like SASHA、ANTHONY PAPPA、VICTOR CALDERONE、RICHIE HAWTIN、 LEE BURRIDG together with JOHN GRAHAM…
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